
Mark Dobner, Peace Officer/FD (Retired) & Daughter Maggie Dobner, EMT, Biology Senior, Webster, NY

Advice on First Responder Marriage:

“My advice to other first responder couples is that you have to have fun, and you have to be flexible. Flexibility is a big thing, because emergency services is at least a 12 hours per day job, if not 16. Then, you’re back to work again the next day with less than 8 hours sleep doing what you have to do.

I was fortunate. I had an advantage because my wife’s father was a fire department lieutenant, so she was used to crazy work schedules. We had the stereotypical cop/nurse relationship. We both worked crazy schedules.

I include her in everything I can, so we can have fun together. Also, check in with your people and don’t watch too much news. That will depress you.”

– Mark Dobner, Peace Officer 34 years (Retired), 39 years with the West Webster FD, evidence technician, fire investigator pro board certified, accident reconstruction, child seat instructor, and BS in business administration, Webster, NY

Advice to First Responder Parents:

“I was lucky to grow up in a family where my parents stayed together. Not a lot of people who work as first responders work out their marriages. I was lucky to have a great family and a great support system.

Even on the nights when my dad couldn’t come home right away or he got held up working overtime, it was always like, ‘Dad’s at work. Dad will be home soon.’ Sure, it was scary sometimes when I didn’t hear from him, but it was never like I hated my dad’s job.

We always had family time together.”

– Maggie Dobner, EMT, Biology Senior, Daughter of Mark Dobner, Webster, NY – Drink with the Shrink, Episode 4-9-2020